Thursday, July 2, 2009

This is my group at the savings group meeting in Janta Vashat slum area. We are at the very top of the slum which is on the side of Parviti Hill. Best view in Pune.
This is my new sari! I wore it do dinner in the Janta Vashat slum this week.
Hey folks. So my trip is nearing its end. By tomorrow all of my trip mates will have left; two of them have already gone. One girl from July's group arrived last night and so we will help her figure things out before we all go. 

Michael and I are returning to Pune next week because a business opportunity arose between PharmaJet and one of the doctors/hospitals that I was working with this month. So I fly to Kerala on Sunday and then we will return to Pune some time next week. Yay! I am excited to take him around and introduce him to some of the people that I have met and become friends with this month.

Again sorry for the sparsity of my posts. There is so much to do here that finding time to write is not as easy as you would think. 

Today I will do my best to get all but the last four samples collected. So that I can run them and analyze tomorrow evening. Tomorrow I am going to the Osho ashram to do some meditation; should be fun.


  1. What is a "savings group"?
    Kerala looks like it is going to be a bit of a change for you as far as the tourist type things you might do - lots of beaches. Scuba diving?
    Enjoy your vacation time.

  2. Thanks!

    No diving for us, the dive shops are all closed for the monsoon season. The savings group allows the women to use a group savings and loan system. It gets the money out of the house so that the men cannot spend it on alcohol etc and can be used for education of the kids, emergency money during illness, etc.

