Saturday, July 4, 2009

Well folks I am sitting in the brand new  airport in Bangalore, Bengaluru International Airport. It is absolutely gorgeous; a stunning representation of what the up and coming India is really capable of. I have a four hour layover here before meeting up with Michael in Travandrum (Thiruvananthapuram) in the state of Kerala. 

After waking up at 5am, finishing packing and arriving at the airport two hours early I did some reading on a great book called We Are Poor but So Many, by Ela R. Bhatt. It is a great book about social issues in India and the women's group that is working on some level or another to improve those issues. Very good book! Would be a great book to read from in PSSP (Clayton hint hint if you are keeping up with the blog). 

Also read the Bangalore news paper, its one of the worst papers I have ever read, but still gave me to news. I personally thought that the N. Korean missle launch was more important news than Serina Williams, but what ever you think is front page news Bangalore is up to you.

Happy for a change in scenery since the monsoon finally started in Pune. The rain is no fun; it is rather disgusting actually. My feet were so dirty after walking outside for 20 min, yuck!

Still not sure what the plans are for Kerala, but are we ever really sure... Also don't know what day we will be going back to Pune. We need to call the Dr. and make plans for a meeting on Monday.

I hope that you had an okay Independence day; I know it was raining which is no fun. I did not see a single firework all day which is unusual for where I was staying.

I have been working diligently on my paper for my research project, still have a lot to do when I get back to get everything done. Also I began a proposal for a project that the group of girls I was with for this trip would like to pursue. I would like to put together an educational program, in cohort with the current sanitation projects going on, that would educate slum communities on water safety and personal hygiene with the background research being the research that I did this semester.

And last but not least, here are some pictures to enjoy. 

Munda sitting on my lap in her kitchen. She lives in the slum Janta Vashat.
The coconut is supposed to be given to married women to symbolize pregnancy. I was given about five...


  1. Hi Kymberlee,
    Nice to read your blog. As you said Bagalore is capable city to do lot many things & its really true. Its really a good metro city of Inida. Hmm you red the book of Ela Bhatt about poor people of India. But there is no reamady for such people & people like Ela Bhatt can only wright books on thse people but can't do any thing until & unless these slum people change their slum metality. But one thing you have pricisely noticed that is about Indian news paper. They always show low priority news on front & important news at any corner of the news paper. Regarding USA independance day, in India, people only celebrate the Indian Independance day if you go for other then would be problem and its a fact. As you said about coconut that it is supposed to be given only married girl as a symbol of preganacy its not all about for the one reason. There are so many reasons. In India in every Hindu religious activity coconut has too much importance. It is been calles as "Shrifal" Because coconut is the only fruit is used in all aspects. Each and every part of the coconut is used by mankind. It's nice that you like to meet slum people but always keep aware of their slum metality & if you are aware of these things, you are then you are. Here are some really needy & poor people to whom every one shoud help but unfortunatly they are always neglected by every one and this is sad side of India....
    Keep Smiling...:)

  2. Thank you for writing your review on the Bengaluru International Airport. We hope to see you again soon!

    Team BIAL
