Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 4

Saturday June 6, 2009

Today was a load of fun. After an hour of yoga and a very cold shower I headed off to the Dabak’s. I have a hard time not being early every day; it’s because I’m American. Breakfast was good, sliced cucumbers, tomatoes, and an Indian bread ball which was fried I believe and spicy with stuff in it.

I spent an hour at the internet café and then headed back to the flat. Rasul, one of Michael’s friends here picked me up after lunch at 1:00. Before driving the hour to his house he introduced me to friends at his work place. His nephews were at his house; one of them I guess lives there permanently with him and has since he was 6months old. The two boys are complete opposites. One is so well behaved, quiet but not shy. The other is the biggest manipulator I have ever seen. He runs the house, crying and screaming at everything to get his way. My phone, my bike, my rupees, mine mine mine, he says in Marathi. We have chai, Rasul eats, then we go for a walk around the complex. It is the very start of the monsoon and so it rained for about 20 minutes.

On the way back we stopped in camp and walked around for a few minutes. Rasul ate fast food, but because I was not feeling

well and had just eaten, I refrained. It was very fun to ride on the motorcycle; the only downsides being that one’s limbs could easily be smashed by a car/truck/bus/wall, and also, your face/clothes etc become black from the exhaust and road grime.

When I returned two of the other girls had arrived, Selvi and Lalita. Both are Indian and one speaks the local language Marathi as well as Hindi. Selvi just finished her first year of medical school and Lalita just graduated from undergrad and is taking a year off. We chatted and enjoyed ourselves until after midnight. Sleep came easily; I had spent over 3 hours on a bike, traveled from the west to east side of Pune, and met some great people.

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