Sunday, June 14, 2009

What a crazy fun day! Michael’s friend Rasul picked me up at 9:30 am, and after breakfast we spent the entire day giving people pictures of themselves, most of which Michael and I took last year in January.

I started off at the hospital. There had been a c-section a few days before, and the woman had a very rare placental condition, which required an operation. Because it was such a rare surgery and they wanted to document it, I became the photographer for the surgery. I was pushed into the front row of the 20+ people in the room and began shooting the events. Today I gave two pictures to the mother of her baby right after it was born, pictures to the surgical department of the surgery as well as a group photo we had taken the day before. The nurses in the pediatric department also got pictures of my group holding a baby in the department. There were also a few patients in the pediatric department that I had taken pictures of and so I gave those images to the mothers. Everyone was all smiles and excited to have the pictures. 

When we were done at the hospital we drove around for quite some time looking for a bridge where some of the other pictures were taken. We did not find the bridge and soon went to meet the other girls for lunch. After lunch we were driving back to Rasul’s house when I saw the art gallery, which was near the market where the other images were shot. After eliciting the help of six or seven rickshaw drivers we finally found it, the dried fish and goat market! I was so happy I could barley contain myself. The people were so happy and welcoming. They recognized the people in the pictures and directed me to the woman who is sorting fish in the picture. Her reaction was priceless, I have never seen someone more excited/confused/befuddled/happy in my life (see images below). When we were leaving the man in the goat market appeared. No one had been in the market when we arrived, but when I looked in I immediately recognized him. What a great experience! I have the card of the fish market so I can easily return again sometime which would be fun. The people there all love me now, guess I am an official punite…


We finally made it to Rasul’s house. We had dinner and watched a bit of Spiderman III. Then Rasul and I met up with the other girls in my group to see Angels and Demons. Interesting experience to say the least. The Indian national anthem began playing, and everyone stood up and froze what they were doing. Then half way through the movie there was an intermission…. Weird.

Rasul then drove me back to the flat, and by the way, riding a motorcycle in India is perhaps the best thing in the world! So much fun.

Type at ya later,


P.s. some of these pictures are from Sunday and not Saturday. I will post sundays blog tomorrow. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I was sure that I read somewhere that the city had about 3 million residents and yet you were able to find them a year later....amazing.
    It was good to hear from you.
