Thought you all might want a map of where I am. The first image shows the Hospital (B) that I have been going to for Monday Tuesday and Wednesday. My flat is in the bottom left under Parvati Hill.
The second image shows a closer map of the area where I am staying (Tulshibagwale Colony which is in the south west corner of Pune below Parvati Hill.)
Then there is a terrain map, my street is the street below Dasbhuja Ganpati Marg all of the way to the west at the end of the street. 

The second image shows a closer map of the area where I am staying (Tulshibagwale Colony which is in the south west corner of Pune below Parvati Hill.)

More posts tomorrow!
I think I lost my post. Whats the open space next to where you live? A park or is it like a river basin?
There is a very large hill called Pravati Hill. That might be what you are looking at.